Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Fountains, Bird Baths, and Garden Ornaments

Another new line of products that we're bringing in to Rain Pro Supply this season are concrete fountains, bird baths, and garden ornaments.

We've got a good selection of items coming in this spring, which you can see a sampling of on our website's landscaping section.

These high quality concrete statues, fountains, and bird baths can be a great upsell to your landscape and irrigation customers as a way of putting the finishing touches on their new yard. And as always, as one of our contractors you'll be given a preferred rate on all of these items.

We've also got a ton of more design options available in all the ornaments, fountains, and bird baths among other things. So if you're interested in getting some of these products into your client's yards, you should talk to Steve about having a look at the full catalogue so we can get your selections in on our spring order.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Blu-Lock & Hydro-Rain Coming to Rain Pro Supply

We've got lots of exciting new changes at Rain Pro Supply this year, and one of the biggest is the addition of a new line of irrigation products - Blu-Lock by Hydro-Rain!

Whether you're using Turn Seal or insert fittings right now, Blu-Lock pipe and fittings will make your crew fly through job after job a whole lot faster. That means you can fit more jobs in or even make it home for supper on time once in a while.

Not convinced that it will be that much faster than using insert or Turn Seal fittings? Watch the Built for Speed Challenge below:

The guy on the left is using Blu-Lock by Hydro-Rain for the first time, while experienced techs are using the poly pipe/insert fittings and pvc and glues on the right.

Rain Pro Supply is proud to announce that we are the official distributor of the Blu-Lock and Hydro-Rain products for Saskatchewan and Manitoba. We'd love to talk to you about getting this revolutionary new product line into your crew's hands. Get the ball rolling by calling Steve at 306-529-6877 or emailing steve{at}RainProSupply.ca today!